What is Karbolyn® ?

Karbolyn® is a homopolysaccharide (relatively complex carbohydrate) and is made up of many monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic bonds. These are very large bonds that are branched macromolecules. The "Molecular Mass" has been precisely manipulated to create absorption through the stomach at a rate much greater than maltodextrin, dextrose, breads, pasta, or rice.

Karbolyn® is a patent pending carbohydrate that contains very unique properties. Because Karbolyn® passes through the stomach very quickly, it acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it. This high tech carbohydrate actually moves through the stomach faster than dextrose or sugar. Karbolyn® also has a higher solution osmolarity than dextrose, sucrose or many other carbohydrate powder mixes on the market. This is due to the unique properties found in the patent pending process. Karbolyn® is completely sugar free.

Karbolyn® is produced using a newly developed "Enzymatic Milling Process". The food source to produce Karbolyn® is potato, rice & corn. The finished product is a modified molecular mass polysaccharide that is absorbed very quickly with out any side effects, stomach bloating or discomfort plus it mixes instantly.

What is Karbolyn® used for ?

Karbolyn® was invented for the sole purpose of carbohydrate loading. It was designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, safe and high performance way to easily load the muscle with accessible muscle energy (glycogen). Karbolyn® has been instantized, so it mixes instantly!

If you are looking to diet for a show or pack on some mass, Karbolyn® is the ideal carbohydrate to get the results you are looking for. It is very common for many bodybuilders and fitness/figure competitors to rely on Karbolyn® and oatmeal as their only complex carbohydrate sources during their pre-contest & carb loading phase! Designed for Elite athletes to quickly hyper-load muscle tissue with glycogen. Karbolyn is the ideal carb for pre-contest carb loading.

Karbolyn® is completely unique due to the size & structure of the molecule. Precisely the right size for absorption, not too big and not too small.

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Karbolyn® is a registered trademark of All American Pharamceutical & Natural Foods Corporation. © Copyright 2016. RM-38 (Karbolyn®) is a patented and patents pending product. All rights reserved.

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